Dragi prijatelji, pred vami je Fama dvojezična actorum, januar-februar 2016.
Iz vsebine:
- Predbožično srečanje vodstva, akademskega zbora, študentov in sodelavcev s slavnostno podelitvijo diplom
- Študenti zasebne Univerze v Donji gorici na mednarodni zimski šoli na Fakulteti za poslovne vede v okviru programa mobilnosti CEEPUS
- Študenti Fakultete za poslovne vede so obiskali Ustavno sodišče Republike Slovenije
- Komentar: Humanitarnost množičnega preseljevanja in "trg limon"
- Advent na Fakulteti za poslovne vede
- Bodočim študentom FPV: vabljeni na zajtrk z vodstvom
- Pričeli smo z vpisom nove generacije študentov v UNIVERZITETNI in v MAGISTRSKI program POSLOVNE VEDE za leto 2016-17
- Vse o FPV in še več na novih spletnih straneh
- Komentar: Barometer aktualnih geostrateških vprašanj
Dear Friends,
A bilingual Fama Actorum January - February 2016 has arrived.
From the content:
- Pre-Christmas gathering with the Dean, Director, Academic Faculty, Staff, and Students with a gala diploma celebration
- Students from UDG attended an international winter school under the auspices of the CEEPUS Freemover Mobility Programme
- Students of the Faculty of Business Studies at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia
- Commentary: Humanitarianism of mass migrations and the "market for lemons"
- Advent at the Faculty of Business Studies
- New Generation of Students: join us at the Breakfast with the Dean and the Director
- Applications for 2016-17 Undergraduate and Masters programmes of Business Studies are now open
- Everything about FPV is now available on new web pages
- Commentary: the Barometer of actual geostrategic issues
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