Dragi prijatelji, pred vami je Fama dvojezična actorum, marec-april 2016.
Iz vsebine:
- IESE Business School Executive Day: Design Thinking – “Beyond Innovation! Design Thinking at Apple”
- Zajtrk bodočih študentov Fakultete za poslovne vede z direktorjem Katoliškega inštituta. Direktor Naglič: “Vabljeni k vpisu!”
- Univerzitetni in magistrski program Poslovne vede
- S študenti FPV na XXI International Week Edutus College v Budimpešti
- Rezultati razpisa Interreg 2014-20
- Komentar: Venezuela na robu propada
- Pričetek izpitnega obdobja
- Pred izidom prve številke Res novae, redne periodične znanstvene publikacije Katoliškega inštituta za celovito znanost
- Prejeli odločbo Nakvis o ponovni akreditaciji zavoda
- Podpisali nove Erasmus pogodbe
- Komentar: Ustavni sodniki v službi (ne)pravičnosti?
Dear Friends,
A bilingual Fama Actorum March - April 2016 has arrived.
From the content:
- IESE Business School Executive Day: Design Thinking – “Beyond Innovation! Design Thinking at Apple”
- Breakfast of future students of the Faculty of Business Studies with Mr. Naglič, the director of the Catholic Institute. Mr. Naglič: "Cordially invited to enroll!"
- Undergraduate and Master program of Business Studies
- Students visited the XXI International Week Edutus College in Budapest
- The Results of the Interreg 2014-20 Call
- Commentary: Venezuela on the Brink of Collapse
- The Exam Period Begins
- Prior to Publication of the first Issue of the Res Novae, a Regular Periodic Scientific Journal of the Catholic Institute
- Re-Accreditation of the Faculty is Confirmed
- New Erasmus Contracts have been Signed
- Commentary: Constitutional Judges in Service of (In)Justice?